Amber (she/her)- Instructor

Describe your pole, aerial, or dance style

I tend to focus on fluidity in my pole movements. I don’t feel like I’ve truly mastered a trick until I can flow seamlessly into and out of each position. I’m most likely to choose slow songs to dance with to help me find this fluidity.

Dance or fitness history

I took my first pole class in 2014, when my college roommate was too scared to go to a pole class on her own. That was my first experience with any fitness class, and I immediately realized how much strength and flexibility I wished I had. Watching the other women perform amazing tricks, I knew I wanted to be that cool eventually, and I haven’t stopped trying since. Because of my own journey, I truly believe that you don’t need to gain strength in order to pole- you take pole classes to gain strength.

Outside of pole, I participate in musical theatre productions and take classes in various forms of dance, including jazz and contemporary.

What are your fitness goals

I want to always find a way to challenge myself. What I find challenging might be different each day, but I always want to make sure I’m in a space with an opportunity to grow.

What do you love about being an instructor

I love watching students progress over time. Pole can be a challenging and deeply personal sport, so watching students’ victories and being a part of their growth over time is very special. Selfishly, instructing also makes me better at pole. It forces me to focus harder on technique as I break down movements verbally and demonstrate in slow-motion. I benefit greatly from this forced precision.

What is the best tip you can give to your students

Don’t compare yourself to anyone else in the room. We all progress at different speeds and have different strengths. One person's journey isn’t any more or less amazing just because it takes a different path than someone else’s.

Barefoot or Heels

I love both, but you’re more likely to find me dancing barefoot. Ask me to show you my greatest heels fail video.

Performances, Competitions & Accomplishments

PSO Golden Gate 2020 (1st Place in Championship, Level 4)

PSO Golden Gate 2019 (1st Place in Championship, Level 3)

PSO Golden Gate 2018

Northern California Pole Competition 2017 (Hosted by Dior Dances Studio)

Various studio showcases throughout the Greater Sacramento Area, 2015-Present