
For questions about of moves, sequences, or prerequisites for any level placement please email the studio at

Silks Classes

Beginner Silks

  • This course is open to all students, there are no prerequisites. Students will learn fundamentals of aerial silks as well as beginner sequences. In this course students will improve their strength, coordination, flexibility, and memory.

Intermediate Silks

  • This is an intermediate silks class that will introduce students to drops and sequences. In this class you will learn basic sequences such as the Secretary sequence and Knee Tangle sequence. This class will additionally explore belays and various entrances and exits for them. Drops such as the 360 drop or Elsie drop will be introduced in this class as well. This class is a great way to build on your level 1 skills and start developing performance technique and strength.

  • Prerequisites: Students should be proficient in the below skills before advancing to the intermediate course. If you are not sure please contact the studio for additional details and/or to schedule an assessment.

    • Climbs

      • Basic/French Climb & Russian/Military Climb

    • Foot Locks

      • Single foot locks, double foot locks, & dancer foot locks

    • Inverts - from standing/without the knott

    • Hip Keys

      • Must be able to complete a hip key in the air - can be from a Russian sit.

    • Basic Wraps

      • Catchers Wrap & Jacobs Ladder

    • Beginner Sequences

      • Candy Cane, Rebecca, Catchers wrap to s single leg Scorpion, and at least one entrance to your Crossback straddle (Butterfly).

    • Beginner Drops

      • Salto, 360, & Tick-tock drop

Advanced Silks

  • This is an advanced silks class. This class will focus on aerial sequences, drops, belays, wheel downs, beats, and much more. This class will help you refine your level 1 and 1.5 skills as well learn new ones. This class will help you develop performance skills through endurance as many of the sequences will have you in the air for long periods of time. This class will also help you develop your spin technique while in the air.

    Prerequisites: Proficiency in silks level 1 and 1.5 as well as aerial inverts, inverted climbs, aerial foot locks, and intermediate sequences / drops.

Hammock Classes

Beginner Hammock

  • This course is open to all students, there are no prerequisites. Students will learn fundamentals of aerial hammock as well as beginner sequences. In this course students will improve their strength, coordination, flexibility, and memory.

Intermediate Hammock

  • This is an intermediate hammock class. This class will build on the principles learned in level 1 and will introduce you to sequences and drops. This class will explore various entrances and exits to level 1 moves, combine level 1 moves into longer sequences, and introduce new intermediate poses. This class will help you develop your strength so that you can execute aerial inverts as well as develop a better understanding of aerial fundamentals.

  • Prerequisites: Students should be proficient in the below skills before advancing to the intermediate course. If you are not sure please contact the studio for additional details and/or to schedule an assessment.

    • Ability to invert in base of the hammock without kicking

    • Ability to complete a pull over without kicking

    • Comfortable in all three basic leg hangs (on both sides) - Single Leg Hangs & Crochets 

    • Ability to complete Hip Keys on both sides 

    • Ability to complete Thigh Hitches on both sides 

    • Can comfortably enter/exit a front sit (Also referred to as Diaper, Thrown, & Catchers) 

    • Can enter/exit a Seatbelt wrap

    • Can enter/exit a Corset wrap

    • Can enter/exit a Cross Back Straddle (with the invert)

    • Can enter/exit a Rebecca Recliner pose (start of any Rebecca Sequence) 

    • Is familiar with basic drops such as a Salto

    • Is familiar with beginner shapes such as mermaid, running man, dancer, and tabletop. 

    • Can complete a 3+ move sequence involving at least one rolling wrap (example: Candy Cane, Double Knee wrap, roll-up to a Warrior or Pin-Up pose)

ADvanced Hammock

  • This is an advanced hammock class. This class focus on developing aerial sequences, drops, rolls, and longer combinations of sequences. In this class you will take the skills learned from level 1 and 1.5 and put them in the air. This class focuses on flow and fluidity as well as aerial technique. This class will help develop performance skills through repetition and exploration.

  • Prerequisites: Proficiency in hammock level 1 and 1.5 as well as aerial inverts, inverted climbs, foot locks, and intermediate sequences / drops.

Lyra Classes

Beginner Lyra

  • This is a beginner class lyra class. This is a introduction to lyra class where students will learn aerial foundations through the use of a lyra. This class will focus on developing the strength needed to safely enter and exit the lyra as well a fundamental sits and poses inside the lyra. This class will explore different hand grips and well as knee grips. This class will get you used to being in the air, upside down, develop strength, and build confidence.

  • Prerequisites: This is a level one class and is open to anyone.

Intermediate Lyra

  • This is an intermediate lyra class. This class builds on the foundation of level 1 and is an introduction to intermediate lyra. This class will work to develop strength, endurance, and improve body awareness. This class will explore different and/or more complex variations of beginner moves, intermediate poses, and work with spins and rolls. This class will also introduce you to using the top of the lyra as well as bottom and inside.

  • Prerequisites: Be able to enter the bottom or side of the lyra through straddles (invert), pikes, and pull overs. Ability to comfortably execute Delilah’s and Hawk hang from the bottom bar and have a working knowledge of basic sits, grips, and poses.

Advanced Lyra

  • This is an advanced lyra class. This class is an intermediate / introduction to advanced lyra class. This class will work to build strength to complete longer sequences and will use the bottom bar, top bar, inside of the lyra, and the span set to explore movement. This class will introduce drops, rolls, grip changes, and inverted poses. This class is a great prep for performance skills and well as developing technique.

  • Prerequisites: Proficiency in lyra level 1 and 1.5 as well as the ability to complete an invert/pike and pull over on the top bar. Ability to comfortably execute Delilah’s and Hawk hang from the top bar. Comfortably execute longer sequences on the lyra and work on or in the span set. Have a working knowledge of fundamental and inverted poses.

OPEN Aerial

  • This is an open studio time for aerial (silks, hammock, or lyra). Students of all levels are welcome to use this time to practice. While an instructor will be present there will be no formal instruction given during this class time.

Circus Conditioning

Circus Circuit

  • This is a mixed level conditioning class that combines cardio with strength training. This class will utilize a variety of apparatus such as pole, silks, hammock, and lyra. This class will include a warm-up, skill set training, and timed circuit training. The exercises will vary in difficulty and number of reps completed depending on the students strength and comfort level.

  • Prerequisites: basic awareness of aerial apparatuses - this would be gained through level 1 classes in each discipline. Ability to complete climbs or climb prep, inverts or invert prep, and safely enter and exit each apparatus.