General Studio Polices & Procedures

General Studio Etiquette

Vibe Aerial Arts & Dance works to create a positive environment for everyone and we ask that if you attend a class you are respectful of other students and staff. 

Classes do start promptly on time please arrive in time to be ready to participate at the scheduled time. It is up to the teacher’s discretion to refuse service and ask a student not to participate if they arrive overly late. Generally, if you miss the warmup then you should not participate in that class. 

Our goal is to provide students with a safe environment. In order to do so we ask that you not use any equipment without permission or act outside of the boundaries of a given class.

Booking a Class

  • All of our classes open on a rolling 14 day cycle (date/time specific). 

  • Example: Our Flexibility class is every Thursday at 7:30pm. So every Thursday at 7:30pm the system will open new spots for that specific class for two weeks out.  

  • In the case of cancellations the canceled spot will automatically open online for booking at the time of cancellation.

  • You can cancel a class up to four hours prior to the class taking place and book up to two hours before.

Cancellations & Refunds

Due to limited class sizes we ask that you cancel or reschedule all classes at least 4 hours before the scheduled start time of the registered class. This gives other students the opportunity to register for the class and helps avoid waitlists. 

In the case you need to cancel a class please do so at least  4+ hours prior to the start of the class. This will ensure that you receive a full refund/credit and allows your reserved spot to become available for other students.

If you do not cancel at least 4+ hours before the scheduled class time then you forfeit the payment/pass for that specific class.

If you have a monthly membership and you no-show or late cancel you will be charged $10 per class that you miss or late cancel. If you late cancel or no-show more than three times in a single month your membership will be suspended, and you will have to switch to class passes the following month.

Personal Hygiene

We work to provide you with a clean environment, please do the same for us. Please make sure that you and your clothing are clean and free from dirt, oil, or other substances that can be transferred to the equipment. Please deodorize and remove any excessive body oils before attending class as they can be transferred onto the equipment and/or staff when spotting.

Student Attire

Students are asked to wear appropriate fitness / athletic attire for all classes. Nudity is not allowed in any class.

For Aerial Classes form fitted leggings or tights are encouraged as they help prevent fabric burns. You will often be upside down so wearing a top that you are comfortable doing so in is encouraged. Please no excessively long nails for silks classes as they can easily puncture or rip the fabric. No zippers or metal on your clothing as it can also rip or puncture the fabric / scratch the metal coating.

For pole classes bring or wear shorts (please no thongs, G-strings, or underwear). Any type of bottoms made for pole, active wear, or swimming should work fine. Pole uses skin to grip so having your legs exposed is helpful for most pole classes. 

For both Pole and Aerial Classes please remove rings, watches, and fitness trackers as they can be damaged, cause damage the equipment, and cause personal injuries.

Photography & Video Policies

Please be courteous of other students and staff, only take pictures or videos of yourself. This includes people in the background even if they are not the primary focus. 

Always ask before recording, this gives other people a chance to move out of the frame if they choose to do so. 

IF you plan to post your pictures or videos on social media and someone is in the background please let them know so they have the option to move out of the way if they choose to do so. 

Do not post videos of instructors without explicit permission, their class content is their intellectual property and it is a copyright violation to publicly distribute without permission. 

Drug & Alcohol Policy

In order to provide a safe environment for everyone, we have a no-drugs, no-alcohol policy. This includes consumption while on the premises, as well as arriving intoxicated. 

Instructors reserve the right to decline service if a participant exhibits signs or symptoms of being intoxicated. In the case an instructor declines service, the participant will not be given a refund. No exceptions will be made for prescription medications that affect the participant's ability to take the class safely. Please consult a doctor if you are not sure how your medications will affect you while participating in physical activities.