
Dance Classes

Modern Dance (All Levels)

  • Modern dance encompasses many of the ideas of Jazz and Ballet. The focus of this class will be to explore playing with momentum while becoming aware of your body’s natural kinetic tendencies. We will spend a lot of time on the floor (rolls, slides, and going to and from standing to the floor, etc). Depending on bodies and moods any given day, the class may encompasses more technique or it may focus more on somatic awareness. You may want to bring some soft knee pads, a shirt that covers your shoulders (floor slides). Socks or dance shoes are optional.

  • Prerequisites: The desire to move. Whether you have no dance experience or years of it, this class will provide options to keep your body growing. Please make sure to inform the instructor of any injuries or irritated areas prior to taking the class so that proper adjustments can be made.

Mobility Classes


  • Flexibility is all-levels classes that focuses on increasing mobility and strength through targeted exercises. Flexibility is more than just being able to touch your toes to your head. It involves a lot of strength to be able to lift and hold poses such as a standing split. This class will combine both active and passive stretches to create a balance of strength and flexibility. Flexibility class focus on all areas of the body so the class content will vary from week to week.


  • GYROKINESIS is a movement method that addresses the entire body, opening energy pathways, stimulating the nervous system, increasing range of motion, and creating functional strength through rhythmic, flowing movement sequences. Through this method, you will explore ways to restore your body to its natural function without the need for any equipment other than a chair to sit in and your body to work.  This is a movement therapy class is similar to yoga or Pilates and is an all levels class.